Korsakow-Workshop in Uetrecht

December 6 - 11
The second Korsakow-Workshop within two weeks. The workshop-location is an empty high-rise building. Very inspiring. Cool projects. The broken coffee-machine sucks!

Interactive stage show

Jim Avignon aka Neoangin playes a concert in a cinema. His paintings on the stage react to what he is doing. A miracle? We use modern computer-technic!
Our show is part of the Pictoplasma International Animation Festival.
November 26, 22:30h
Cinema Babylon-Mitte | Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30

Korsakow-Workshop in Amsterdam

November 27 - December 2.
It is the 5th year we do a Korsakow-Workshop at the International Documentary Film Festival IDFA. The picture above shows young artists think about documentary in computer-games. It is the first workshop where students from the University of Leipzig join our team of experts.

Sworn in

The President of the University of Leipzig is proud. Angelika Merkel is elected as cancelor of the Federal Republic of Germany. 30 years ago she studied at the University of Leipzig. The very same moment Mrs Merkel is sworn in at the Reichstag in Berlin, we are sworn in, too. Kind of. I am in a group of four that receive a documet: We are guest-professors now and might teach future german leaders. Maybe...

Korsakow System 2.7.3 released

Please go to the website for more details...

[13terStock] and [7sons] in Brazil

Both works are part of the exhibition at the File-Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
www.file.org.br | www.13terStock.de
NOV 1ST - 20TH, 2005
Tuesday - Sunday, 10am to 8pm
Galeria de Arte do SESI
Avenida Paulista 1313
São Paulo/SP Brazil

Public Talk in Sao Paulo

On Nov 3, 18:30h I will give a talk at the File Symposium that is part of the File-Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am 1/4 of a Brazilian myself but I have never been to Brazil before. I am very excited!
NOV 1ST - 4TH, 2005
Tuesday - friday, starting at 2pm
Mezanino do Centro Cultural FIESP
Avenida Paulista 1313
São Paulo/SP Brazil

[13terStock] at Frankfurt Bookfair

If you hang out at Frankfurt Bookfare and you don't know what to do, do this: Go to the the stand of Verbrecher Verlag and check out the [13terStock]-DVD and take your chance to talk to Joerg and Wener the CEOs of Verbrecher Verlag, they are really cool!
(Hall 3.1 G165)

[13terStock] - review

Bernhard Dotzler wrote a great review on [13terStock] for the prestigious German weekly ZEIT. You can download a PDF of the article (in German language) here.
And someone translated the text into English, you can find it here.

[13terStock] in Darlington, UK

(Photo by Andreas Bohnhoff)

Where is Darlington? Have you ever been there? [13terStock] will be there, soon. At an exhibition together with Bremen photographer Andreas Bohnhoff and his fantastic portraits of the people from Grohner Duene.
November 9, 2005 - January 7, 2006
Darlington Media Group
Blanche Pease Annexe, The Arts Center, Vane Terrace, Darlington, DL3 7AX

Teaching in Leipzig

Since the beginning of october I am guest-professor at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig. My mother is very proud and I am very happy.

Public lecture:
Oct 13, 20h, Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig

[13terStock] at the 13th floor

Back to the roots. We are showing [13terStock] where it originated. At Groner Duene, at the Edge of Bremen. For this special event we go back to our apartment overlooking Bremen-Vegesack and the river Weser. As the space is limited we kindly ask for reservation. Please call Peter Schenk from Arbeitnehmerkammer, Bremen: 0421-3630-1983

Saturday, October 15, 2005 | 20 h
13. floor, Friedrich-Klippert-Straße 22, 28759 Bremen

[LoveStoryProject] in Dublin

The [LoveStoryProject]-installation is part of the Dublin Fringe Festival. The [LoveStoryProject] is a work in progress. During the exhibition the installation will be updated with more material.

Be part of it!

If you would like to leave a comment on love, plaese give me a call at:
08 514 345 58

Project Arts Centre | 39 East Essex Street | Temple Bar | Dublin 2
September 15 – 29 | All day Installation

Talk in London

I am ivited to talk about my work at Bridge Symposium, that is taking place at the London College of Communication.
Sept 30, 2005


Korsakow System 2.7 released

Please go to the website for more details...

Korsakow-Workshop in Budapest

6-day Workshop at the Intermedia Institute
The Intermedia Department, and the Video Department of two different art academies in Budapest, are going present a Mediamatic Interactive Film Lab.
Here media makers from all over Europe share experiences and create prototypes for their online interactive film projects.
Intermedia Institute Budapest | H-1063 Budapest, Kmety Gy. utca 27. |
03.10.05 - 08.10.05

For more information please go to Mediamatic-website.

[13terStock] in België

[13terStock] is part of the exibition INward OUTward at FLACC in Gent, Belgium. Other artists in this exhibition: Harun Farocki, Wout Berger, Solu, Yang Zhenzhong and others.

FLACC, André Dumontlaan 2, 3600 Genk, Belgien
October 1 - November 13, 2005

[13terStock] Exhibition in Erlangen

[13terStock] is exhibited at the Poetenfestes in Erlangen. The installation can be visited at the media.art.zentrum, which is part of the Städtische Galerie.

media.art.zentrum, Helmstr. 1, 91054 Erlangen
Presentation: August 27, 2005 | 20 Uhr

[small world] in Schwandorf

August 6, 2005
It took a while. A telephone call woke me up. My mother was on the line. More than 8 years after I showed it the first time, [small world] finaly reached Schwandorf, the town it is all about. Der Neue Tag –the local newspaper– has a big review with 5 photos! The article by Michael Zeißner is called Digital Ode To Schwandorf. I am a bit confuesed about the title. My mother is happy.

[13terStock] in the Media

Kolja and me are very happy. We received very positive reviews in a number of newspapers and magazines for [13terStock]. You can read the reviews from Spex, TAZ, Tagesspiegel, Telepolis, Page and Die Springerin on the [13terStock]-website. If there is someone who by coincidence recorded the feature that was broadcasted by Bayern2/Zuendfunk last week, please let me know!

Life according to Korsakow

A fantastic review of 13terStock has been published by Telepolis - the German version of Wired-Magazine:
Life according to Korsakow by Marcus Hammerschmitt
(This article is in German language)


My first book is a DVD! You can buy it in every bookshop in Europe for only 15.- Euro (ISBN 3-935843-53-4). Become the owner of the first database-documentary ever!

[13terStock] by Florian Thalhofer and Kolja Mensing out now!

Check the [13terStock] website.
Buy at Amazon.de

Party in Moscow

Interactive stage-show with Jim Avignon / Neoangin. As part of the Organism-Festival, together with Stereo Total und Namosch.

July 1, 2005 | 22:00
Brestskaja Club
Metro Majakovskaja, 2ja Brestskaja Str 6, Moscow

[kleine welt show] in Leipzig

What is it like to grow up in a small town? An other great show with Tobias Hülswitt, Kolja Mensing, Nova Huta and ...

July 1, 2005 | 20:00

Exhibition in Sofia

[7sons], [13terStock] and [small world] are shown for three weeks in an exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Exhibition takes place at the Goethe-Institute. At the opening-night I will give a presentation where I will also show other Media-Art-Projects of mine.

Exhibition: May 25 - June 10

Opening: May 25, 2005 | 19:00
Goethe-Institute, 1000 Sofia, Budapesta Str.1

Presentation and Talk in Sofia

I am in love with Miss Interpretation. She is alway with me when I try to understand different cultures. But she also teaches me to understand myself and my own culture a little bit better.

The difficulties of understanding. I show a bit of [7sons] and then there is a discussion with writer and journalist Alexander Osang.

May 26, 2005 | 16:00
Jazz-Club Checkpoint Charlie, Sofia.

Goatmilk-Festival in Bulgaria

May 20 - 25, 2005

I will be at the Goatmilk-Festival in Bela Rechka in Bulgaria, to show my work, talk about database narration, and eat goat-cheese and tomatoes...


[13terStock] in Oldenburg

May 10th, 2005

On invitation of the Literaturbüro Oldenburg Kolja Mensing and I present [13terStock]. Our presentation is hoasted by Paula von Sydow (Edith-Ruß-Haus for Media-Art).
Peterstraße 23, 26121 Oldenburg, 20:00h

[kleine welt show] on Tour

What is it like to grow up in a small town? Four experts share their views. Two writers, one musician and one new-media-artist. The audience is equipped with laser-pointers and decides whom it wants to hear. An interactive, nonlinear small-town-performance with a lot of weird, alcoholic drinks. The cheapest way to get plastered. With Tobias Hülswitt, Kolja Mensing, Nova Huta and me (Florian Thalhofer).

23.4. Leipzig Schaubühne Lindenfels
02.5. München Volkstheater
05.5. Mainz KUZ, Dagobertstraße 20B

[7sons] in Korea

May 1 - June 30, 2005.
[7sons] is in competition at the Seoul Net Festival in South-Korea.
Competition: May 1 - June 30 / Out-of-Competition : July 1 - September 8
www.7sons.com | www.senef.net

[7sons] @ EMAF

April 20th - May 15th, 2005.
[7sons] is shown at the European Media Art Festival Osnabrück.
www.7sons.com | www.emaf.de

Korsakow-Workshop in Estonia

April 25 - April 30, 2005
A 6-day Korsakow-workshop takes place at the Tartu Art College. 16 makers, producers editors and educators of film, radio, television and video use their own material to make an interactive film that can be published on or offline.
If you want to participare, check this: www.korsakow.org

[13terStock] screened on location

Kolja Mensing and Florian Thalhofer present the interaktive documentary film [13terStock] in Bremen - next to Grohner Düne, the place where it was shot.

Sonday, March 20, 2005
KITO, Alte Hafenstraße 30, Bremen-Vegesack


[13terStock] - DVD-ROMs

March 17, 2005 I have not seen them yet. Kolja just received them from the facrory. He sent a foto to New York. The colors look kind of blured. But Kolja says: "They look great, they feel good!". I can't wait to see them...


New Career!

New city - new opportunities. It has bin quite a while since i was spinning discs last time. Well, spinning discs is history. Now there is new music technology. A friend does an exhibition. Together with Jim I am the DJ:

at 1155 Avenue of the Americas (44th-45th)
Reception for the Artist: Thursday 3/10/05 at 6pm-8pm

Sound support by newly added special guests JIM AVIGNON & FLORIAN THALHOFER from Berlin.

Do you want to visit Berlin?

Do you want to rent my apartment at the Heart of Europe?

[13terStock] in Berlin

Kolja Mensing and me spent all of august together. We were living in an apartment on level 13 in a huge concrete building block at the edge of Bremen. In [13terStock] we did a portrait on the house and its inhabitants. Currently I am working intensively on a DVD with will be released, soon. It is almost ready. On Thursday we will give a Sneak Preview:

literaturWERKstatt, Berlin
Knaackstr. 97 / Kulturbrauerei
January 27, 2005, 20:00h

Lecture in Berlin @ globale05

I will talk about my work at globale05-Film-Festival in Berlin.
Brunnenstraße 10
Berlin Mitte (U8 - Rosenthaler Platz)
Jan 17, 2004. 16h


1stPlace in Brazil?

January 3, 2005
Today a small parcel from Brazil arrived. Inside, without any comment, I found a catalogue. It's the FILE - catalogue. Oh my god, what a cool one! From all the festivals I ever had my stuff shown, this one is the nicest. It is almost as nice as the one from Ars Electronica, or the catalogue of the ZKM Future Cinema exhibition. And the very best: three full pages on works of mine!

[7sons], [LoveStoryProject] and [small world]. I have a look at the pictures and the text that I wrote such a long time ago, and that has been printed over and over in festival catalogues. And then I notice a small detail. Underneath the title [7sons] it says in red letters: "1° Lugar | 1st Place*". Wow! Does that mean that [7sons] made the first prize? Am I rich and famous, now?

I can not find any other hint that [7sons] won a prize. Not in the catalogue, nor on the web. Hmm, but what does that "1° Lugar | 1st Place*" mean then?

If anyone knows, please let me know: www.thalhofer.com/contact/

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